Tuesday, February 21, 2017

running gait analysis with smart shoe insole

smart insole
Insole X is one of the superior gait analysis systems ever developed in the world. It involves an assessment of your walking or running pattern based on limb positioning. We will evaluate your joint angles, stride length and postural movement patterns, which will help us to decipher how your gait compares to an “ideal walking pattern”. This will tell us which muscles appear weak, tight, or limited, and where we should begin in working on positional control.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

portable gait analysis system

Insole X is a portable gait analysis system and can easily be integrated into different application scenarios due to the intuitive and simple operation. It will provide fast and objective documentation of each test. It is simple to use and time-saving handling. The smart insole allows mobile measurement of biomechanical characteristics of the foot and dynamic analysis of movement patterns in therapy or training.

Friday, December 23, 2016

prosthetic gait with smart insole

Insole X may also have potential clinical applications for patients with foot health problems, such as limbamputation and prosthesis. With advanced algorithms and inertial sensors, the smart insole will provide a detailed gait analysis report for your concern.

Monday, November 21, 2016

gait data| wearable technology

A tremendous amount of gait data can be obtained with a minimally invasive device using extremely sophisticated technology.That is Insole X, which performs functional analysis and posture analysis as well.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

smart shoe insole for clinical gait analysis

3D gait analysis system in labs captures body movement data, which are combined to calculate the various loads acting on the joints and muscles, and their corresponding movements. The computer, using advanced software, constructs a model of the patient’s musculo-skeletal system. The gait analysis team will then analyse the model and make recommendations about the appropriate therapy, surgery or other methods of treatment. The whole process takes time and may be affected by the environments. Insole X is a portable gait analysis system, designed for daily gait monitoring, with its inertial sensors and advanced algorithms, it can measured your foot movement data and generate gait analysis reports for clinical assessment.